Recently, I listened to a gentleman with whom I was doing business, share how over the last two years he'd rethought his priorities as he battled cancer. He said that there was a time hunting, fishing and his love for guns was his passion. Now, his family, friends and his volunteer work through the Knights of Columbus were what he lived for. This wasn't the first time I'd heard of someone amending their priorities.
I recall a radio broadcast with Glen Beck several years back. He was interviewing three men who'd survived captivity in the jungles of South America. Their plane had been forced to land and they were immediately captured and held by Colombian rebels for five years. At one point during the program Glen asked what kept each of them going, what gave them hope to survive. Not that the rest of their answers weren't similar, but I distinctly remember one of the three speak of seeing his family again. That made such an impression. When that man could have easily despaired of life as he spoke in retrospect of five long years of never knowing if he'd see the light of morning, the hope that kept him going was seeing his family again!
A couple of other clients who've recently made impressions include an elder widow in her 80's (it's hard to tell sometimes), who stays active with volunteer work at the local hospital and has done so for over 30 years. Though she uses a cane to navigate slowly, she said in a rather matter-of-fact tone, "I just can't stop my volunteer work". Absolutely amazing! Incidentally, this same woman was a foster parent along with her husband, to over 40 children!
Another client, an elderly woman who lives alone and suffers from arthritis in her hands and neck such that she can't move her fingers or turn her head easily, stays active by being a "cheerleader" for a local Triple A baseball team. Her and eleven other "aged" friends entertain hundreds of fans every week with their jubilant cheers!
There are many similar stories I could share but the point I want to make is simply this: The essence of life is making others an inclusive part of our day. We truly live when we go out of our way to touch another persons' life!
Do you regularly take time to "reach out and touch someone"? If not, is there someone you can think of right now that could use a touch today?
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