You've probably heard it said, "If you don't know where you're going how will you know when you get there?" In the same way, if you don't set some goals or have direction for your life, how will you know when you've successfully accomplished your task? You could be wasting valuable time and energy as you wander aimlessly.
Successful people are successful on purpose, they've planned to get "there". Too often people get frustrated, discouraged and end up quiting not because of good intentions but because of poor direction...not having a clear goal. Having clear goals increases focus and helps you concentrate your energy; they help insure greater results.
As a believer in Christ, your first goal should be to consider Jesus "lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls" (Hebrews 12:3 NKJV). Get in the habit of looking to Him for guidance. He should of course, be the ultimate purpose to your life, but he also wants to help you get there. As author of many of those dreams and desires, he's committed to helping you on your journey to completion. He'll also teach you how to deal effectively with the frustrations and setbacks that arise along the way.
How are you going to accomplish those dreams? Start by clarifying your intentions on paper. Begin to set some goals. Even if you end up revising them, start by writing out your thoughts. Writing them out helps you capture what's going on inside.
Another tip to setting clear goals is to get additional input from someone you trust and can confide in, especially the larger the task. You might be surprised by what you can't see. An outside perspective can often provide an angle you hadn't thought of, but ultimately, it provides greater clarity.
Finally, J.C. Penney once said,"Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk." If you have hopes of a successful endeavor, plan on it by setting goals. They won't eliminate obstacles, but they can help insure you stay moving in the right direction to your success!
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