We all have comfort zones- those places of contentment where we're currently satisfied with the present. However, could these "zones" also be places we've completely surrounded with a fence of limitations. Too often, we settle for what is now. Do you have a longing to achieve more, to reach greater potential? Is there a fence that lies between you and a dream?
One of our more formidable "fences" we tolerate is fear. Fear paralyzes people from attaining their God-given dreams. As someone once said, "A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage." How often Jesus would say to those he was ministering to, "Fear not" or "Have no fear". He was well aware the impact fear had on the results.
Imagine how the dynamics could change if there was no such thing as fear- that is, unhealthy fear. Imagine living free of fear! We're not talking about a fear of rattlesnakes, heights or a high-voltage power source, but the opposite of faith. What kind of liberty would that bring to your life. Where would you venture to go? What would you venture to do?
Faith is going in the complete opposite direction of fear. Faith is a firm conviction- and expectation- in what is yet unseen. Fear is being motivated (or not) by what seems at the moment to be apparent. Like fear, faith is a powerful force; in fact, so powerful it can break down those fences we've allowed to encompass us. Faith in God's Word positions us to tap into God's ability, provision, and wisdom. No wonder Jesus said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God".
To attain to this kind of faith, we need to become acquainted with God and His Word. As we become keenly aware of what His Word declares we must purpose to walk it out. It's important to learn to do God's Word not just read it. Without taking action, faith is powerless. As we find ourselves stepping out, we can begin to move out past the fences that have been built up through the years.
Take courage today! Determine to know God and His Word and start the journey of tearing down some fences and living fear free!
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