I'm not a devotee of Tiger Woods, but the recent exposing and confessions of Golf's most elite player certainly should prove a lesson for us all- and not about amassing fame, fortune or female acquaintances either.
We had placed this man- and many others- on a pedestal, somewhere above failure. He had become the epitome of what we thought a gifted superstar should be. But alas, he was found to be just as human and subject to the guiles of sin as the rest of us.
So let's consider a few thoughts in light of human frailties.
First, regardless of accolades, absolutely no one is out of reach of the temptations of sin. The Bible tells us, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). We live in a world contaminated with the effects of a spiritual outlaw. Satan despises humanity and is relentless with his pernicious efforts. Guard your life carefully- temptation is lurking in the shadows.
Second, it's critical we deal with sin quickly and honestly. The ultimate effect of concealed sin is destruction. Truth is, we'll never hide it from ourselves or God, anyway. Try holding burning coals in your lap and not get burned. We can't! God has promised to forgive our sin when confessed from a repentant heart. Let's not kid ourselves with feeble attempts at hiding our wrongdoing behind a closet. Eventually, someones going to open the door and find out.
With the unescapable truth that we're all going to fall at some point, are we hopelessly doomed to a life harassed by sin? Remember that even Jesus Christ was tempted; but, unlike the rest of us, he never once fell short of the title of Champion. He was and always will be the only one ever to emerge from temptation sinless (Hebrews 4:15). The good news is, because of his accomplishments, we're offered the right to stand along side him free from the dominance of sin. We must however, be honest with ourselves and with him. We must learn to trust him.
Has sin left you hopeless? Are you struggling with sin? There is a way out! Write us today for more info.