Thanksgiving! It’s a great time to be with family and friends…when you can be. Being around those we love…and those who love us. It’s about family; however, it can be a whole lot more than family. There’s a lot we take for granted…especially in this country. We can read about world happenings, but reading and being in the middle of them are completely different.
I remember traveling to Mexico in ‘75. When our group left Mexico City on a bus tour of some historical sites, I saw poverty cover the hillsides like I’d never seen before. People living in "shacks" made of anything they could find…cardboard, tin, junk metal, etc. But even still, it was only a picture to me. I wasn’t experiencing it. I couldn’t feel what they felt. I remember kids comin’ up to us in Mexico City begging. They were probably as young as four (?). They love to see Americans! There was no way I could relate to what life was like for them. Maybe they had food that day, maybe they didn’t, I don’t know. I only know I just could not relate. Oh, the things we take for granted.
The Bible tells us to give thanks in all things. That’s a lot of thanksgiving if it’s to be in all things. There’s something powerful about being thankful in the midst of every situation. Being genuinely thankful can change our perspective. Circumstances may not immediately change, but the way we view them can.
In Luke 7, we read an account of a woman who had an immoral lifestyle. Jesus happened to be eating at someone’s house when she comes bustin’ in- uninvited for sure- and falls at His feet. Immediately she starts making a scene, kissing His feet and letting her tears fall so that she can wash his feet with her tears. Finally, after several minutes of this, Jesus makes a powerful comment about gratitude…
"...her many sins have been forgiven- for she loved much. But he who had been forgive little loves little."
Her love was expressed through gratitude. She recognized the life she’d been living and wanted desperately to be free. The rest who were present couldn’t see for their blindness and therefore didn’t think they needed to express any gratitude. Because she recognized her need and earnestly sought Jesus with a grateful heart, she found sweet forgiveness.
Thanksgiving isn't something we celebrate once a year but an attitude we continually embrace. How thankful we are says so much about what we think of God. We may not be able to wash Jesus' feet, but we certainly can seek Him with hearts full of attitude...a grateful attitude!